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Other Animations

These are my other animations that I didn't make into a series.

Video Still1. Man Versus Banana
One man one banana. you can see where this is going! But on the way out of the hospital he decides to step over it. Wrong decision.
Video Still2. James Stick
A guy that thinks he is a good secrete agent. But you should be the judge of that. Part of the oldie collection.
Video Still3. Lego star Wars
Star wars is landing on earth!! But with the planes comes the bad guys. But cry baby Anakin will need some help.
Video Still4. Dalek Versus Teletubby
The Dalek doesn't like the Teletubby, but which is better? There's only one way to find out. FIGHT!!!
Video Still5. Agent XYZ
A Lego agent is braking into a enemy bade. But he can't do it without a ultra-powerful car. Mini cooper time!!

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